Monday, October 19, 2009

My Madeup Midterm Questions!

1. What is an anti-pattern? Give one example of an anti-pattern.

"An antipattern is a recurring negative solution to a problem" ( In otherwords, an anti-pattern is a test where it seems like it is testing a lot of the code, but rather it has missed much of the code. It is giving a false sense of security that the code is working properly.
Examples of anti-patterns:
Happy path tests - Tests if everything is working properly and gives the correct results. This is only an anti-pattern if this is the only type of test used.
Validation and boundary tests - Like the happy path test, but tests the boundaries of something(maybe a method, list, input, etc.) and also tests if the correct output is thrown if there is invalid input. This could be an anti-pattern if the data that you put in returns valid when it should not be valid. For example, if an input should be out-of-bounds, but it still returns valid input.
Easy tests - Tests that are very simple (like testing toString()) because the code is hard to test. These tests work but do not accomplish much.
Overly complex tests - A test that is so complex you cannot tell if it is correct or not. The anti-pattern is not knowing if a test is correct or not. It is better to have a simple test that you know is correct.

2. When overriding equals(), you must also override hashCode(). Why could overriding hashCode() in the following manner not be good?

public int hashCode() { return 0; }

This is because the hash would become one long list of values in one bin.

3. What makes a build tool, like ANT, so useful?

-Build tools are cross-platform
-It allows for the compilation and testing of code to be automated
-It can download and install everything that is needed for running the code
-It can be incorporated with IDE's like Eclipse.

4. What is the main problem with only allowing one person to checkout and modify a project at a time?

Everyone would have to wait on that one person.

5. What is the difference between White Box testing and Black Box testing?

In Black Box testing, there is no knowledge of the internal structure of the program. Some examples of Black box testing is equivalence and boundary value analysis. In White Box testing, a person could test the paths within a program. Some examples of White Box testing is control flow testing, data flow testing, and branch testing.

6. In the article about coverage tools, In pursuit of code quality: Don't be fooled by the coverage report, what did the author mean by "fools gold?"

It is when there is a high coverage report, but it doesn't mean that the code was exercised well.

7. What does the following code written in an ant build file
<Property Name="checkstyle.config.file" value="checkstyle.xml" />

It defines a property, checkstyle.config.file, and sets its value to checkstyle.xml.

8. According to the Stanford article, why are heavy multitaskers unable to perform better in the tests than the light multitaskers?

The heavy multitaskers were unable to filter out the excess information and thus were not able to concentrate.

9. Emma's coverage report indicates that you have covered 100% of you code. Does this mean that your code is now bug free? If not, explain.

Even though all of your code has been executed by Emma, it doesn't necessarily mean that your code is bug free. A test could cover all of the lines of code but not have been fully exercised. For example, a person could write a single test that covers every line of the code.

10. What irritates hackers the most when they are trying to help people on forums?

When people ask questions that they could have easily looked up the answer to themselves.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Google Projects and SVN

I was just introduced to SVN or subversion and found the program to be very useful. SVN is a useful tool for working on big group projects. SVN allows for people working on a project to make small changes to the projects and commit the changes to a server for everyone to update. The SVN program that we were introduced to was TortoiseSVN. The good thing about TortoiseSVN is that when a person has to commit an updated version of a program, that person needs to have the most recent version. For example, if a person tries to commit an updated verison of a program to the server, but there was a newer version of the program commited, that person has to update to the newest version of the program then make the changes and commit to the server again. This may also be a negative for SVN since if there are many people making changes at the same time, there may be changes every few minutes or hours. Therefore a person could only be making small changes instead of making one big changes to the program.

I used google projects to host the project. It was very useful since it allowed me to put all of my files onto the server. Anyone who wants to download my files would be able to from the google server. I liked how google projects allows other people to have easy access to my files. When TortoiseSVN is used with Google Projects, any updates could be easily updated by checking out the most recent copy of the project.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

JUnit and Emma testing

For another class assignment, we were introduced into creating our own tests and running them on JUnit. We were also introduced into using a coverage tool called Emma. JUnit allows java developers to easily test their code over and over. This saves the programmer a lot of time testing their code every time small changes are made. JUnit is especially useful for running tests on code after small changes are made and can tell the programmer if a change to the code has messed up other parts of the code. Emma is a coverage tool that tells the tester how much of the code was actually covered by the JUnit tests. To get used to JUnit and Emma, I wrote tests for my robocode robot.

I have never utilized JUnit before so this my first experience writing my own tests for code. It felt like I was learning an entirely new language, but after a few hours of looking at the API and the RobotTestBed I got the hang of it. I found that writing tests that are not acceptance tests are very challenging. At first, I had a hard time figuring out what types of behavioral tests to test on my robot. I decided to test if my robot moved to the correct side of the map initially, if my robot moved up and down the left or right wall, if my robot had its gun facing the correct direction, and if my robot turned 90 degrees when it was either hit by a bullet or ran into another robot.

The most challenging of the four behavioral tests were testing to see if my robot moved paralled up and down either the right or left wall. Eventually, I figured out that I had to test if the robot was first close to a wall then check if the robot was also facing parallel with the wall. After figuring that out, the rest of my tests went by pretty smoothly. Just thinking about what tests to run took a majority of my time. Thinking of the most efficient tests to test the most amount of code was challenging.

Using Emma was also an interesting experince for me. I had a lot of problems working with emma at first because I didn't understand exactly what all the red, green, and yellow highlights on my code were. As it turns out, the green highlights are highlights of code that was run during the tests. The red highlights were code that was not seen by Emma during the tests. The yellow was codes that were seen, but not executed or used by Emma. While trying to run Emma I ran into problems with Emma not being able to see my file. This scared me for about an hour until a friend told me that I had to change the file. The build file was not looking for the correct java code in the correct place, so after changing the code, I Emma was able to read my java file. I found that Emma was able to read 100% of my java file and also read almost all of my JUnit tests. The only test that Emma didn't read 100% was my TestToSide test. I think it was because some of my code doesn't get called if the robot only starts on one side of the map for the entire test.

In order to make my robot easier to test, I think I would have to create more methods within my code. I was not able to run any unit tests on my code since I didn't have methods that were not events within my code. I had a lot of code within the events like onHitRobot, onScannedRobot, and all those other tests. Therefore, I would probably make a moveDirection() method and a fire() method. This would allow me to test is my robot is moving laterally or test how strong of a bullet my robot would fire at a given distance.

My distribution file can be found here.