Learning the Wicket language was very difficult at first. Extending the Webpage and Webapplication classes were very confusing at first, but I slowly got the hang of it. One thing that I still do not understand after working with wicket is exactly what the 'serializable' class does. I hope after I read more up on it later that I will understand the serializable better.
I was very pleased with the way our group worked together. We all got along great and also are able to get things done when needed. The only bad part was that we started working on the project a little late which caused us to spend long nights getting the program up and running by the due date. I am okay with the design of our project. I think that we could have made the program a little more efficient at getting the thresholds, but other than that small kink, I am pleased with our implementation. Some kinks in our program is that we didn't get all of the validations to work and some input causes the program to crash. For example, putting extra 5 digits in the year field will cause the program to crash. We didn't figure out a way to fix that bug yet and will have that bug fixed by version 1.1. We also were not able to get the rows of our table that we generated to output the corresponding colors. Instead we just put a column called 'Intensity' that has a text output of what the row color should be. We should also have that fixed by version 1.1 of our system.
A distribution of our project can be found here.
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